RII60520 – Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design

New Course

This qualification reflects the role of an individual working as a senior civil works designer or a para-professional designer, who supports professional engineers. They perform tasks that are broad, specialized, complex and technical and include strategic areas and initiating activities. They are responsible for the design of complex projects to ensure the implementation of the client’s site requirements and are required to demonstrate self-directed application of theoretical and technical knowledge and initiate solutions to technical problems or management requirements.

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CRICOS Course Code
Intake Dates
Every month on the 15th, except from December
104 weeks
Total Tuition Fees
AUD $25,000
Mode of Study
Resource Fees
AUD $2000*
Core Units
Application Fees
Onshore Fee AUD $500*
Offshore Fee AUD $500*
Elective Units
Delivery Mode
TAS – Tasmania Campus

Delivery Mode

The mode of delivery for the course delivery comprises of:

  • Face to face contact sessions
  • Online activities using web-based software
  • Simulated/Practical Activities
  • One to one time with their trainer
  • Scheduled contact hours will equal or be greater than an average of 20 hours per week.

This qualification will be delivered at the following locations:


Delivery Locations:

  • HOBART – 245 Main Rd DERWENT PARK TAS 7009
  • PERTH – Unit 3 162 Colin St, WEST PERTH, WA, 6005

Entry/ Exit points

A student may exit from this qualification at any time with a Statement of Attainment for any units of competency completed successfully up to that point.


Further Education

Learners who successfully complete this qualification may wish to consider further study such as:

  • CPC60220 Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
  • RII60620 – Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction

 Employment Pathway

The Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design is in the Civil Engineering Field of Education.

  • Senior Civil Construction Designer
  • Civil Engineering Draftsperson

Eligibility/ Entry requirements

The Training Package does not specify any entry requirements. However, Unity School of Education requires learners to be a minimum of 16 years of age. It also requires learners to demonstrate they have sound Language, Literacy, and Numeracy skills (LLN).

International Students will require to demonstrate their English Language proficiency to the minimum level of 6 in IELTS or equivalent. Successful completion of Certificate III level qualification in Australia during the last 12 months will be considered equivalent to the IELTS requirements.

Recognition of prior learning & Credit Transfer

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

 Prospective learners will be made aware of the RPL policy and process prior to enrolment into the program, via discussions, orientation, Pre-Enrolment and Post Enrolment student information, and the Unity School’s website.

Learners can demonstrate competency through formal, non-formal and informal learning:

  • Formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction and is linked to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, a certificate, diploma or university degree);
  • Non-formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction, but does not lead to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, in-house professional development programs conducted by a business); and
  • Informal learning refers to learning that results through experience of work-related, social, family, hobby or leisure activities (for example the acquisition of interpersonal skills developed through several years as a sales representative).

Learners are encouraged to apply for RPL prior to or immediately after formal enrolment but prior to the facilitated delivery of units to ensure that they do not miss any class/workshop opportunities offered should they be unsuccessful in the RPL process.


Credit Transfer

Unity School recognizes the AQF Qualifications and Statement of Attainments issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.


A range of assessment strategies is employed for this qualification and the choice of strategy is dependent on the nature of the unit of competency. Strategies may include but not limit demonstrations, observation, projects, presentations, knowledge tests, reports and interviews.

Unit Lisitings

The following course have a total of 13 units of competency:

  • 5 core units
  • 8 elective units.
Unit CodeUnit NameCore or Elective
BSBWHS616Apply safe design principles to control WHS risksCore
BSBPMG632Manage program riskCore
BSBTWK502Manage team effectivenessCore
RIICWD601EManage the civil works design processCore
RIIQUA601EEstablish and maintain a quality systemCore
BSBPMG530Manage project scopeElective
BSBPMG531Manage project timeElective
BSBPMG532Manage project quality Elective
RIICWD535EPrepare detailed design of civil timber structuresElective
RIICWD533EPrepare detailed design of civil concrete structuresElective
RIICWD534EPrepare detailed design of civil steel structuresElective
MEM30031Operate computer-aided design (CAD) system to produce basic drawing elementsElective